Hello again! During the Qtractor builds I've been doing over the last few days, there's something I noticed with libsuil that I wanted to ask about...
When the build is listing the prerequisite packages found, it prints this line:
LV2 plug-in UI support (libsuil) . . . . . . . . .: no
But I have libsuil installed (on Manjaro), here's a list:
03:02 PM : scott@BigDog> ll /lib/libsuil* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Nov 20 2021 /lib/libsuil-0.so -> libsuil-0.so.0.10.10* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Nov 20 2021 /lib/libsuil-0.so.0 -> libsuil-0.so.0.10.10* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18K Nov 20 2021 /lib/libsuil-0.so.0.10.10*
Ohhhh... I decided to look into CMakeLists.txt, and I see part of the config is to disable libsuil if we've got Qt6 or better. So my revised question becomes "What are we missing by omitting libsuil, and is there a way to compile the project with Qt5 (which is also installed on my system) so the build can pick it up?"
I looked up the Suil package at drobilla.net...I think I understand what it's for. Does omitting it mean you can't display native plugin GUIs if they were written with a graphics toolkit other than Qt?
re. Qtractor and libsuil
all's normal as it should be: when building on Qt6, libsuil is NOT a thing whatsoever :)
carry on, you're not missing anything