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Bug when exporting Song


Let's say I have a song ending at bar 60. Let's say also that song has a last tone with a long duration to be faded out.
It may be faded out completely at bar 66. So, I put the right locator for the loop at bar 67. Then choosing to export the song via LOOP and MASTER of audio.

Though, exporting the song stops immediately at the visible end of the last MIDI part of that tone. It's cut off instead of slowly fading out then in the exported audio file.

This is in Qtractor and it may have been so in earlier versions.

Usually I have two metronome tracks which are longer in duration than the song is.
So, I found this by accident, exporting a song with just a very short metronome track.

rncbc's picture

maybe not a bug but a long sought constraint: the actual end-of-session location is defined as the end of the last clip in the whole session timeline; all range options in the export dialog, loop, edit, punch and even custom range, are always capped to this end-of-session time.

you may workaround this limitation of course, by extending the length of the last clip or just put an empty silent/dummy clip at the desired end-location.
and yes, this is just like so since the beginning of times :)

I have to agree with Rui on this point. Put a clip out after the song, even if it means having to splice it out after the bounce. I been dealing with this as far back as to my Cakewalk/Sonar/BandLab days.

TAERSH's picture

This doesn't make any sense to me from a musicians point of view.

A song ends when the last tone is completely faded out.
It simply doesn't end at the end of the last visible MIDI part.

Also I can't see the difference why then to choose from exporting via LOOP or SESSION?

However, as I said: usually I have two different metronome tracks which are longer in duration than the song is.
They are regularly expanded when composing - though, obviously sometimes not.


rncbc's picture

there's no way to predict when a MIDI track rendering sound fades out completely (eg. any instrument rendering a long reverb or delay) : the only indication there is it's the end of the MIDI clip and that's exactly what's giving the end of song or session meaning.

of course, audio track/clips are a different matter.

rncbc's picture

indulged, yet again--caught myself always doing that in favor of users:)

check qtractor >=


TAERSH's picture

Yes, there's no way to predict when the sound is completely faded out.
So, that's why I'm listening to it and placing the right locator one bar after the sound is silenced.

That's how I understand it:

- exporting via SESSION --> export everything from the beginning of the first MIDI part until the end of the last MIDI part
- exporting via LOOP --> export everything in between the locators, so, including all empty bars in the beginning and the end.

However, acts exactly that way.

And that's really GREAT!

Thanks, thanks, thanks alot! :)