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Border shadow


I'm working on some colour scheme for Qtractor, but it seems that the border shadow is hardcoded. Is it? Please see the pic attached. Is there a way to remove that shadow or make it optional?

Thank you.

Image icon Screenshot_20220311_144009.png3.81 KB
rncbc's picture

nope. why?

or yes, it's hard-coded alright, sorry

the main-view timeline borders shadow are always on a gray-gradient, are there any objective (ie. non-subjective) excuses for making it otherwise?


ps. yes again but you can build it without: cmake -DCONFIG_GRADIENT=OFF...

For light color scheme that shadow can be a “problem” for the design. Mostly for flat design.

rncbc's picture

flat (material?) designs are not my thing, sorry :/
if you insist going otherwise, please go with cmake -DCONFIG_GRADIENT=OFF ...
that will do everything flat as a dang plank alright :)...


The -DCONFIG_GRADIENT=OFF did the trick.

But I noticed now that some items do not allow or do not save custom color. Is there anything that I need to know about theming to Qtractor?

rncbc's picture

what items are you possibly talking about?

there are a few (like selection blue shades in main canvas/views; recording red shades; red play-head and punch, blue edit-head/tail, green loop v-lines, etc.) that are simply hard-coded and thus fixed: you're not supposed to change that whatsoever. sorry

meter levels are also customizable but only through View > Options... > Display > Meters

is any of that what you're asking?

Yeah...some of that you mentioned, like selection blue shades in main canvas/views; recording red shades. Plus, the time and tempo box. I cannot change the background and font color. From a design/UX perspective, any hardcode color is a disadvantage. Also at the color theme window, it would be easier to work on, if the items could have their own name. For example, I think "Dark and Mid" refers to the canvas, right? Or just be more descriptive.

rncbc's picture

re. I think "Dark and Mid" refers to the canvas, right?

not quite. those are general Qt color palette schema of names, so to speak... see Qt::ColorRole enums
