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Missing firewire latency options

Is there anywhere I can specify -I & -O options when using the "firewire" driver? I see it available with freebob and I can specify latencies starting jackd from the command line (which has the required result BTW.)

In other words I need qjackctl to output this:
/usr/bin/jackd -P82 -t5000 -dfirewire -I309 -O309 -r48000 -p32 -n3

rncbc's picture

I do not have means to assert this in the field (ie. no firewire/ffado any near) but those options have been just unlocked on SVN trunk (qjackctl


Just tested SVN using firewire driver and input latency setting. Works great, thanks!

There is evidently still an issue with Ardour/Jackd latency calculations and the ffado driver. This is requiring modifying the input latency values as a kludge.