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[SOLVED] QjackCtl-0.9.2 DBUS error at start-up.

Hi Rui,

I fired-up the new QjackCtl-0.9.2 release (AppImage) and it pops-up the Messages window and Error dialog with the following displayed in red:

20:59:34.553 D-BUS: SetParameterValue('engine:clock-source', 'h'): Parameter value type mismatch: was expecting 'u', got 'y'. (org.jackaudio.Error.InvalidArgs)

You can dismiss the Error dialog and start-up appears to continue OK but I thought you might want to know about this.

EDIT: I had the clock source set to HPET (which worked with earlier versions), changing this to Default prevents the error from occurring.


rncbc's picture

which was the earlier qjackctl versions? and probably more importantly, what is your current jackd2(-dbus) installed version?


I've been running the QjackCtl AppImage for a while now so 0.9.2 is the first version I have observed this on.

ii jackd2 1.9.12~dfsg-2ubuntu2 amd64 JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
ii jackd2-firewire 1.9.12~dfsg-2ubuntu2 amd64 JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO and FreeBoB backends)
ii libjack-jackd2-0:amd64 1.9.12~dfsg-2ubuntu2 amd64 JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
ii pulseaudio-module-jack 1:13.99.1-1ubuntu3.10 amd64 jackd modules for PulseAudio sound server

ii dbus 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (daemon and utilities)
ii dbus-user-session 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (systemd --user integration)
ii dbus-x11 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps)
ii gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.4:amd64 16.04.1+18.10.20180917-0ubuntu6 amd64 typelib file for libdbusmenu-glib4
ii libdbus-1-3:amd64 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (library)
ii libdbus-1-dev:amd64 1.12.16-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (development headers)
ii libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64 0.110-5fakssync1 amd64 deprecated library for D-Bus IPC
ii libdbus-glib2.0-cil 0.6.0-1build1 all CLI implementation of D-Bus (GLib mainloop integration)
ii libdbus2.0-cil 0.8.1-2 all CLI implementation of D-Bus
ii libdbusmenu-glib4:amd64 16.04.1+18.10.20180917-0ubuntu6 amd64 library for passing menus over DBus
ii libdbusmenu-gtk3-4:amd64 16.04.1+18.10.20180917-0ubuntu6 amd64 library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version
ii libdbusmenu-gtk4:amd64 16.04.1+18.10.20180917-0ubuntu6 amd64 library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version
ii libdleyna-connector-dbus-1.0-1:amd64 0.3.0-1 amd64 DBus connector module for the dLeyna services
ii libnet-dbus-perl 1.2.0-1 amd64 Perl extension for the DBus bindings
ii libqt5dbus5:amd64 5.12.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1 amd64 Qt 5 D-Bus module
ii python-dbus 1.2.16-1build1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (Python interface)
ii python3-dbus 1.2.16-1build1 amd64 simple interprocess messaging system (Python 3 interface)
ii python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 5.14.1+dfsg-3build1 amd64 D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 3
ii xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.2-1 amd64 filtering D-Bus proxy

My OS is Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon edition.

rncbc's picture

well, you didn't tell which qjackctl.AppImage version though your jackd2 version (1.9.12) is pretty old anyway...
please consider an update to the latest jackd2 (1.9.17).


OK, so am I correct in stating, from your previous response, that:

Changes introduced between qjackctl-0.9.1-45.x86_64.AppImage and qjackctl-0.9.2-46.x86_64.AppImage require me to upgrade my jackd2 above 1.9.12 in order to use HPET as the clock source?


rncbc's picture

not quite... :)

after all that said, you were correct in the first place: there's a BUG indeed in v0.9.2 when setting the clock-source over jack d-bus... ouch!

you don't need to upgrade anything as with jackd2 v1.9.17 you'll certainly get the same error :( however it's kinda a no-op error or warning: it's only the clock-source setting that gets overlooked--all the rest seems to work fine though...

so, if you rely on setting the clock-source to anything under jack d-bus you're better use qjackctl v0.9.1 alright! or you may not use jack d-bus interface at all and things might work better in that particular regard (but surely get way more complicated on others like, for example, pulseaudio integration and what not).

sorry for all the misleading replies.

[UPDATE:] please test the just arrived hot-fix: qjackctl-0.9.2-47.x86_64.AppImage ;) thanks.

Hi Rui,

Thank you. You're a trooper. That's fixed the issue.
