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MIDI pitch bend (and possibly other CC event) automation?

Hi there,

I wonder if it is possible in qtractor to automate MIDI pitch bend (and possibly other control change events), just like it is already possible with volume and panning?

Cheers --


rncbc's picture

hi, other than making it as into regular performance data sequence (ie. as MIDI clips), it is not possible.

assuming you're referring to the sliders in the mixer strips for volume and panning, these are specialized cases when it comes to MIDI tracks and/or buses, as they are fixed and hardwired to the GM standard channel volume (CC 7) and panning (CC 10) for MIDI tracks, and system master volume and panning (sysex) common messages) for MIDI (output) buses.

that's all that I can reckon, sorry.


I was actually referring to the possibilities offered by each track's automation button. Any particular reason why only volume and panning are offered through the context menu's "Select >" item?

Cheers --


rncbc's picture

there's also (Track) Monitor, Record, Mute, Solo... besides Volume and Panning... anyway, these are intrinsic automation controls... as sson you add plugins to the track you'll see that the automation control options will pile up accordingly ;)


Yepp, I've seen the pile of available controls grow with each plugin inserted into a track... I was just wondering if there's a particular reason why only volume and panning are offered as automatable (<- is that a real adjective...?) CC events. But anyway, it's not that big an issue, so we can leave it at this.

Cheers --


rncbc's picture

as said, they are not the only ones, track mute, solo and record are also "automate-able" and that is true to any track, not only MIDI ones.

maybe the confusion arises from whether being an automate-able subject may ever be bound or assigned to a MIDI Controller... ?
yes and, if you set the MIDI Controller... assignment Feedback option on then it's probably the answer.
