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Qsynth engine restart

I guess it is more a fluidsynth question, but anyway, does it really have to restart everything when you just load another soundfont? Why? This makes changing soundfonts such a cubersome process.

rncbc's picture

You're right,

Qsynth its really showing its age :)

The engine restart requirement when changing any setting is indeed as old as ever, hmmm... 7 years now, who would tell? In fact, IIRC it all boiled down to libfluidsynth instability and memory leaking gallore on its early days. Loading and unloading soundfonts at that time was indeed a risky business ;)

However, changing that on Qsynth now will compromise a lot on its internal (ancient though) design. It means something close to a complete rewrite. Which is a big price to pay for just a uh,... tiny minor annoyance? ;)
