(Qtractor from today's git head)
I try to (ab)use Qtractor as a sound manager for live performances. After playing around with buses I use tracks with synth plugins. Each MIDI track has a different combination of synth/sound. The current track gets the master keyboard's input. So far so good.
I have a Nektar Impact GX61 keyboard that has some assignable buttons. I can assign CCs to them.
Button1 (CC24) <-> Shortcut CC24 for "make current the previous track", displayed as "Controller,1,24"
Button2 (CC25) <-> Shortcut CC25 for "make current the next track", displayed as "Controller,1,25"
Unfortunately the Nektar keyboard sends CC with value 127 when the button is pressed and CC with value 0 when the button is released. Result is that it jumps to the next track when I press Button2 and jumps further to the second next track when I release the button.
Any idea how I can make Qtractor ignore the CC with value 0 when the button is released?
Using CC for shortcuts "make current the previous/next track"
you can try to assign the button release to qtractor's functions. It works for "note off" commands here. Open the midi shortcut learning dialog and press the button for about 5 seconds, then release it. Qtractor then "learns" the release of the button. At least this works with note on/off. Perhaps this works for you, too?
re. Using CC for shortcuts "make current the previous/next track
please try with latest git head, master branch; please don't use sf.net repo for the time being as it's been down for a while and not in sync with the latest; try the github, gitlab or bitbucket instead.
ps. sorry frank246, there's one commit that will leave MIDI PC dead for use for shortcuts (due to an always-zero value), so sorry again.
Success. Thank you, Rui.
Using CC for shortcuts "make current the previous/next track"
> "ps. sorry frank246, there's one commit that will leave MIDI PC dead for use for shortcuts (due to an always-zero value), so sorry again."
No problem, my encoding knobs do work and my PC has a keyboard, too :)
re. Using CC for shortcuts "make current the previous/next track
hi Frank,
overdue after one of this last couple of commits (yet again, once more:), MIDI PC (=Pgm Change) messages might work again on your case: they're now being stamped internally with this fixed value=127 (param=program-number of course), instead of being always zero (0) as before--this might overcome the swing (0->127->0) from those momentary type of controllers when triggering one-shot command menu shortcuts, just like bluebell asked in the first place.
re. Using CC for shortcuts "make current the previous/next track
Hi Rui,
it works! :-)
My first try was not successful, but then I tried to deactivate the "Latch" option. Now it works absolutely reliable.
Thanks so much