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Some new feedback

Hey Rui!

Was working with Qtractor these couple of days, here is some feedback.

1. When you move notes in piano roll, it automatically quantizes it to the quantize setting. This creates mess, since if it is Beat (by default) it then upon moving takes all notes and those that were Beat/2 get approximated to the current quantize. So when moving notes you actually can mess up the melody.

2. There should be an option to have one midi clips and instances of it. Just today I had 40 identical midi clips, then I decided to change one note, but it changed a note only in one midi clip, so I had to delete all of them and repaste the new one. I know this had been discussed already, but I still think it is very important. This will add a lot of flexibility to the app.

3. Paste repeat sometimes would cause glitches like on the screenshots. If I paste a lot, some clips get shifted and either have spaces between each other or start being put on top of each other. In the examples I provided I pasted 39 clips and then 19 clips.

Very important!

4. Loop mode - either midi or audio.
Even at 128 rate there are problems. The glitching is not audible, but it is there and if I have a small midi clip playing in loop and I record that to an audio file, while tweaking the synths that it triggered by midi in real time, and later try to synchronize that audio file to a beat, the beat and file will go async since the midi loop is not perfect. I do not know how difficult it is from programming side of things, but I really ask to try to implement perfect loop mode. That will not only make creating music much simpler without the need to paste 80 copies of the same midi clip in order to record something long, but also will allow to extensively increase the functionality of Qtractor, by allowing it to be used in live situations. If I have the ability to loop midi and audio clips, I can easily use that in a live performance. Same goes for the "Go to the beginning of the song" mode which always creates an audible pause.

5. That has been reported already, but when I am putting audio clips during playback, they go out of sync. If this is fixed, this would also allow for a more live situation use.

Hope this is useful.

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rncbc's picture

Re. 1... move notes in piano roll...
- Yeah there's a snap-to-beat mistake all over moving and pasting multiple events that will get fixed ASAP. The way it will get round is that only the anchor event (eg. the one you're point-n-dragging with the mouse) gets snapped/quantized effectively, all others will just move and placed in their relative positions to each other. Guess that's what you really mean. Watch for qtractor, in svn trunk tonight ;)

Re. 2... one midi clip and [multiple] instances of it...
- IOW this is what has been discussed under the subject of linked clips. Right, hasn't met any implementation to date. Still lingering in the (un)official TODO list :)

Re. 3... Paste repeat...
Somewhat related or quite similar to 1. but already thought fixed in a recent svn commit (one week ago). The repeated pasted clips were being quantized to current snap-to-beat setting. This behavior would cause some of the pasted clips to be misplaced and even overlap. Not anymore or so I thought. The paste-repeated clips are now simply concatenated, one after the other. BTW, which version are you testing?

Re. 4... Loop mode - either midi or audio.
Please, can you elaborate (with step by step detail) on what you are trying to achieve? What MIDI driven synths, samplers are you using? Either plugins, external or even outboard hardware? What system/studio setup? Truth is, every case is a case and what's fair game to one side of things (eg. plugins) it is not quite the same for others (outboard hardware). The sync'ing issues, latency, jitter differences are abysmal so that one cannot even talk on such a thing as perfect loop mode :) Throwing more gasoline to the fire: Have I told you that Qtractor does NOT have any kind of latency compensation whatsoever, yet? Yeah, too much to swallow in one take, sorry :)

Re. 5... putting audio clips during playback, they go out of sync
Well, that can happen, I know, specially when in loop-playback mode and one tries to cut, move or paste clips over the playhead and worst, when the later is nearing the end of the loop range. Although these editing actions are possible and allowed, I would not recommend this kind of operation in a, er, live oriented performance. It's way too risky anyway. It has been reported to crash without warning though (ain't all crashes like that?:). Don't even think of doing any of the sort while recording is engaged :/

Anyway, and ever again, if you can isolate any reproducible steps or behavioral patterns that lead to the problems you're facing, the least will certainly help a lot. Relax. It might help me doing a lot better than covering all this mess with some lousy excuse ;)


Hey, thanks for all the replies and sorry not yet getting back to you. I have been reinstalling my system (downgrading from Karmic after 3 months of fighting it) + the upcoming New Year. But I am regularly using Qtractor for recording things - basically, I am using it like Ardour since it's so much faster and I just like the GUI a lot )
Anyway, I will build the latest svn version and will later elaborate on all of that feedback above so that there is much more detail.