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not detected as a sound card by traktor

Hi guys,

I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask questions like this in, but I have been searching high and low for a solution to this problem. Any help here I would be forever grateful for.

I have tried to set up Jack2 for windows as a bridge between traktor pro2 and ableton 8. Ableton recognizes it as a sound card option in the audio setup preferences tab, but traktor, even after many tweaks of Jack2's settings so far, does not. I have followed some well regarded advice on more relevant forums, but none deal with trouble shooting when a client program doesnt recognize Jack2 as a sound card. Thanks so much for any help!


rncbc's picture

sure this isn't the right forum; windows is out of scope around here :)

i assume you probably read all of this FAQ (from site:

make sure you understand everything and do as it's there told. probably you skipped some of the one-time configuration steps. idk.
