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The Road to Berlin

It is with the greatest joy that I'm bragging to the world my modest paper/demo submission to the coming LAC2007@TU-Berlin. The paper is already out for review through the proper channels.

As previously advertised, that's all about announcing Qtractor as a brand new contender in the free open-source software audio/MIDI arena and willing to recruit some folks in the process.

Hopefully, this will be the third time I attend a Linux Audio (Developers) Conference, now flocking to Berlin, leaving Karlsruhe with such great memories. This turn, I have something more than just lurking, as I was on the last past two years. Just like a premiere.

A copy of the dry paper is splatted here also, on attachment.

Let the games begin, in through the Road to Berlin ;)

[UPDATE] The current and latest version to date of this ground-breaking milestone is also pinned to this post that being

PDF icon lac2007_qtractor_paper.pdf329.82 KB