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Qtractor 0.6.2 - The Boson Walk Beta is out!

So it's summer, they say.

White bright and light pastel colors sparkling on every corner and turn. Cheesy and silly season, they say. Alas, southerners don't apply. Sorry about that. Of course I mean the hemisphere, obviously.

For whom it might concern, all anxiety has come to an end.


It all relates back to this last May 3, when a not-so-formal meeting (aka. workshop) took place while during LAC2014@ZKM-Karlsruhe, where some pertinent and undeniable requests were dodged and framed to a "soonish" implementation. And guess what?

Yup, the "soonish" are no more, or so I think.

Qtractor 0.6.2 (boson walk beta) is out!

Perhaps an additional word is due though, about the riddling code-names that are branding the post-TYOQA beta releases. They have no personal nor logical sense, I assure you. Perfectly arbitrary now. Everything in life and the universe is way more unconventional than just a name.

Without further assay.

Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.

Release highlights:

  • Plugins activation MIDI controller / automation (NEW)
  • LV2 UI Idle and Show (>= Qt5) interface support (NEW)
  • Discrete editing of automation curve node values (NEW)
  • Missing audio/MIDI files and plugins warning message (NEW)
  • MIDI note drawing on tempo-map changes (FIX)
  • Automation curves re-adjusted to tempo-map changes (FIX)

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Vee One Suite 0.5.0 - Officially beta now!


The Vee One Suite of old-school software instruments, primarily slated for Linux, featuring synthv1, a polyphonic synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler and drumkv1, a drum-kit sampler, are officially in beta phase now.

Change-log for the new release:

  • LV2 UI Idle and Show interfaces support added.
  • First attempt to allow a headless stand-alone JACK client application run mode, without a GUI, with option given as command line argument (--no-gui).
  • A man page has been added (re. stand-alone JACK clients).
  • Reverse sample option and parameter knob added. (samplv1 and drumkv1 only).
  • Allow the build system to include an user specified LDFLAGS.

As before, all made available in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

The Vee One Suite are free and open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

The fine print follows ;)

QmidiNet 0.2.0 is out!

Headless finally!

QmidiNet 0.2.0 is out!

all that is to say that it may now run without the GUI (eg. qmidinet --no-gui).

QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives MIDI data (ALSA-MIDI and JACK-MIDI) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows.

Have (lots of) fun!
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Qtractor 0.6.1 & Vee One Suite 0.4.2 - A pre-LAC beta release frenzy!


As a pre-LAC release frenzy,

Qtractor 0.6.1 (bitsy sweet beta) is out!

the change-log for this release are mainly fixes:

  • New user preference option added as View/Options.../Display/Transport/Hold auto-scrolling (follow play-head) on edits (after requests by Holger Marzen and Louigi Verona, thanks).
  • All color chooser dialogs were missing proper titles.
  • Audio peak file re-generation and clean-up has been hopefully fixed and cache optimized (re. drawing audio clip waveforms).
  • Fixed initial session snap-per-beat setting on main toolbar.
  • Clip/Export...'ed files are now made persistent, no questions asked (after a ticket by Oliver Kester, thanks).
  • Portuguese (pt) translation added (by Esteban Viveros, thanks).

The Vee One Suite of old-school also gets an interesting update.

changes for the third proto-beta release are:

  • Badly named 'Noise' wave-shape oscillators get their band-limited treat option and re-labeled as 'Rand' (synthv1 only); also a brand new wave-shape 'Noise' is then introduced (now for real :)).
  • New user preference option, cf. Help/Use native dialogs.
  • An anti-denormal regression applied to the Phaser fx stage (affecting early proto-beta >= 0.4.0).

all still available in dual form, as usual:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plugin.

Remember that both Qtractor and the Vee One Suite are free and open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

See you all on LAC2014@ZKM-Karlsruhe!

Vee One Suite 0.4.1 - A proto-beta bis release!

The Vee One Suite of (maybe not so anymore) old-school specialized instruments gets an update to a new bis encore...

the changes for this second proto-beta release are:

  • Once so called 'Noise' wave-shapes are now being made a lot more deterministic, read idempotent ;).
  • Fully alias-free/band-limited wavetable oscillators are now in place, making it a better virtual-analog synthesizer (esp. for running sample-rates below 96KHz; synthv1 only).
  • Late optimizations to basic wave-table oscillators.
  • Make sure the LV2 plugin back-end always builds first, before its respective LV2 UI front-end client.

all still available in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plugin.

all made free and open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


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