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QjackCtl 0.4.1 is out!

Yup, that's true:

QjackCtl 0.4.1 (fall'15) is out!

QjackCtl is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server, for the Linux Audio infrastructure.



  • Probing portaudio audio device in a separate thread (by Kjetil Matheussen, thanks).
  • Messages standard output capture has been improved again, now in both ways a non-blocking pipe may get.
  • Regression fix for invalid system-tray icon dimensions reported by some desktop environment frameworks.
  • New hi-res application icon (by Uttrup Renzel, Max Christian Pohle, thanks).
  • System tray icon red background now blinks when a XRUN occurs.
  • Desktop environment session shutdown/logout management has been also adapted to Qt5 framework.
  • Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
  • Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
  • Override-able tool-tips with latency info (re. Connections JACK client/ports: patch by Xavier Mendez, thanks).
  • Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).


QjackCtl is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

From the footnote department: for quite some time there's an alternate repository which is kept in sync with the one. However, this doesn't mean that the QjackCtl project is about to migrate to a brand new hosting whatsoever: the original upstream source code repository is, will be, as ever was, always kept somewhere else still in this world and universe.

Enjoy && keep the fun!

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It's Done!

Yep, it is.

All Q-stuff is now set to build on Qt5 by default.

No worry, no hurry, chicken curry :)


ps. everyone is free and revert to Qt4 nevertheless, just do it by ./configure --enable-qt4 ... at your own risk though;)

Qtractor 0.7.1 - The Meson Dope beta release


Here's to all southerners for whom the so called Summer'15 didn't made much sense...

Beg your pardon yet and again, but it's that time of year when grapefruit is about ripening, pretty fast and maybe late, at least on the northern hemisphere. No worries: harvesting has already been carried away. So it's your call now, wether it makes for ugly bad wine or, pretty good vinegar...

Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine so that I may wet my mind and say something clever. --Aristophanes

never mind,

Qtractor 0.7.1 (meson dope beta) is released!

Now, for the clueless:

Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.

And for the ones who can aptly tell a TL;DR apart from a hangover:

Besides the incidental bug-fixes and proverbial business-as-usual stance for this dot release, the most probable and hopefully significant news about it, is that this will be the last to build against Qt4 by default.

Time has come to move on up to Qt5. Remember that a Qt5 build is and has been possible already for ages now but somewhat relegated on a subpar status due to the once lack of support for all non-Qt5 LV2 plug-ins GUIs out there. Not anymore! Starting from this very release onwards there's this so called native LV2 GTK2 and X11 UI support on Qt5. Also thriving, drobilla's libsuil is being updated to par just that as well. So things are all aligning up nigh.

A special note to the voluntary packager: if you choose, for any reason you may find commendable, to build, package and distribute a Qt5 build (via ./configure --enable-qt5 ...) please be sure that every LV2 plug-ins around that take Qt as its UI framework are also build, packaged and distributed on the same premises, otherwise they might just fail and crash Qtractor on show. Among those are the ones comprised by the Vee One Suite, namely synthv1, samplv1 and drumkv1, of course.

Also as a(nother) side note: It has been for quite some time there's an alternate repository which is kept in sync with the one. However, this doesn't mean that the Qtractor project is about to migrate to brand new hosting whatsoever: the original upstream source code repository is, will be, as ever was, always kept somewhere else still in this world and universe. It's a Git world out nowadays and as the mottos says, --everything-is-local, --distributed-is-the-new-centralized ;)


Summer'15 release frenzy wrap up!


Summer'15 release frenzy is not over yet!... well, it's only over on the equinox anyway...

QmidiNet - A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast

QmidiNet 0.3.0 has been released!

QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives MIDI data (ALSA-MIDI and JACK-MIDI) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows.

Project page:
  • System tray icon now blinks on network send/receive activity.
  • Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
  • Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.

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QmidiCtl - A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast

QmidiCtl 0.3.0 has been released!

QmidiCtl is a MIDI remote controller application that sends MIDI data over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast ( and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows ( QmidiCtl has been primarily designed for the Maemo enabled handheld devices, namely the Nokia N900 and also being promoted to the Maemo Package repositories. Nevertheless, QmidiCtl may still be found effective as a regular desktop application as well.

Project page:
  • Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
  • Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.

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QXGEdit - A Qt XG Editor

QXGEdit 0.3.0 has been released!

QXGEdit is a live XG instrument editor, specialized on editing MIDI System Exclusive files (.syx) for the Yamaha DB50XG and thus probably a baseline for many other XG devices.

Project page:
  • Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
  • Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
  • Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • A new top-level widget window geometry state save and restore sub-routine is now in effect.
  • Added "Keywords" to desktop file; fix passing debian flags on configure (patches by Jaromír Mikeš, thanks).
  • Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • Added application description as's AppData.

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QmidiNet, QmidiCtl and QXGEdit are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

Have (lots of) fun, always!

Summer'15 signing off.

Qsynth 0.4.0 - Summer'15 release frenzy continued...

So, this Summer'15 release frenzy is not over, yet.

Qsynth 0.4.0 is now released.

Qsynth is a FluidSynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer.

Project page:

Qsynth is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

  • Desktop environment session shutdown/logout management has been also adapted to Qt5 framework.
  • Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
  • Output meter scale text color fixed on dark color schemes.
  • Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
  • Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • A new top-level widget window geometry state save and restore sub-routine is now in effect.
  • Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
  • German (de) translation update (by Guido Scholz, thanks).

Have fun, always!

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