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Vee One Suite 0.9.11 - A Halloween'19 Release


The Vee One Suite of old-school software instruments, synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer, drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler and padthv1 as a polyphonic additive synthesizer, are here and now released for the global Halloween evening, and all making up to this mythical version 0.9.11 ;)

As always, all provided in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

Changes for this creepy release are quite revolutionary;)

  • When using autotools and ./configure --with-qt=..., it is also necessary to adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable (after a merge request by plcl aka. Pedro López-Cabanillas, while on qmidinet, thanks).
  • Upstream packaging is now split to JACK standalone and LV2 plugin only: the former shared common core and UI package is now duplicated but statically linked though.

The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

The QStuff* Autumn'19 Release

Hello there!

It's coming true: the old bunch of Qstuff*, QjackCtl, Qsynth, Qsampler, QXGEdit, QmidiCtl and QmidiNet, are all catching up and aligning to the magical version 0.6.0 :)

That's all pretty much and enough for now ;)...

Qtractor 0.9.10 - An Autumn'19 Release

Wholly greetings,

Without any further delay, here it goes:

Qtractor 0.9.10 (autumn'19) is now released!

The shortest and maybe TL;DR change-log for this northern Autumn'19 release goes like this:

  • Fixed the potential crash-effect in switching MIDI output buses on tracks that are set to show audio output monitoring meters.
  • Fixed initial session tempo override when importing a standard MIDI file (as reported on issue #230).
  • An alternate time-signature/meter option is being served to the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) and allowing for some poly-rhythm/meter scenarios on a per MIDI clip basis.
  • Fixed MIDI "overdub" recording on offset clips.
  • MIDI bank and program settings now propagating to all MIDI track's clips resp.
  • Fixed MIDI file format default setting other than SMF Format 0.
  • Escape key may now be used to reset time and tempo/time-signature spin-box controls.
  • Play-head time and tempo/time-signature controls are now featured in MIDI clip editor toolbars (aka. piano-roll); time display format is also separated from the tracks main application view and defaults to BBT as being most convenient.
  • All items in the MIDI clip editor's event list are now enabled, selectable and editable, no matter the filter settings for the event views.
  • Added alternate yet non-official CMake build option.
  • Improved MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) position and size persistence across session state.
  • Fix HiDPI display screen effective support (Qt >= 5.6).
  • Mixer, Connections and MIDI clip editor top-level windows shall have no parent, unless when set as always-on-top tool windows. (REGRESSION)
  • Make sure compiler flags comply to c++11 as standard.

Vee One Suite 0.9.10 - An Early Fall'19 Release

Summer's gone! So is the austral winter...

The Vee One Suite of old-school software instruments are now released for the Northern Fall/Autumn season:

All still available in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

Changes for this northern autumn'19 release goes like follows:

  • Upstream packaging is now split on JACK standalone, LV2 plugin and common core and UI packages, similar to recent Debian practice.
  • Highlight current element/sample/key on the virtual piano keyboard widget. (applies to samplv1 and drumkv1 only)
  • Added alternate yet non-official CMake build option.
  • Fix HiDPI display screen effective support (Qt >= 5.6).
  • All randomizers now compliant to the standard normal distribution.
  • Make sure compiler flags comply to c++11 as standard.

The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

Qtractor 0.9.9 - Summer'19 Release batch #3

Hello all,

For the third time and hopefully the last in the current northern estival season comes the final batch-of-one:

Qtractor 0.9.9 (summer'19) is out!

These are the changes for this Summer'19 release:

  • Fixed editing and display of 'Pgm Change' events on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll).
  • Introducing tempo/beat-detection support on the Clip / Tempo Adjust... dialog (provided libaubio >= 0.4.1 is available); and now also featured with some rough visual clues ;).
  • Updated for the newer Qt5 development tools (>= 5.13).
  • Imply asking for a brand new filename (ie. Save As...) whenever the session file original sample-rate differs from the current audio device engine (ie. JACK).
  • Configure updated to check for qtchooser availability.
  • Fix MIDI through for LV2 plug-ins that have no MIDI output event/atom ports.


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