

QjackCtl - JACK Qt GUI Interface

qjackctl-0.3.5 crash when jack running


qjackctl only works when jack is running. if it starts jack, jack runs and qjackctl immediately dies. if jack is already running it immediately dies.

I've --enabled-stacktrace and --enabled-debug, and ulimit -c unlimited, but I don't get any core dumps, nor a "segmentation fault" message.

This is running on debian testing, with a custom kernel, latest ALSA source downloaded/built (despite noticing afterward debian testing using same ver). Built also, sndfile, samplerate, and latest jack1...

Running in gdb gets the following output:

ALSA Sequencer konnte nicht als Client geöffnet werden.


Hello Rui

It's a strange world - I've just upgraded my laptop from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 and now Qjackctl gives a nice little error message. uhm

20:23:53.370 Steckfeld deaktiviert.
20:23:54.115 Statistik zurückgesetzt.
20:23:54.117 ALSA Sequencer konnte nicht als Client geöffnet werden. Das ALSA-MIDI-Steckfeld wird nicht verfügbar sein.
ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server socket

Feedback(?) Noise when System Capture and Playback are Connected


Hello Rui and everyone on the forum,
Ive been using my Compaq Presario laptop (2.4 GHz Celeron, 1 GB ram), running Xubuntu 9.04, for live music performances, for the past 4 months or so. All my applications are routed through QJackCtl. I process audio coming in through the mics through a couple of applications.

Is there anyway to "fix" this?


Hi Rui,
This has been bugging me quite some time. I always leave qjackctl running, while only activating jackd when needed, and stopping it when done, as I'd guess most people do. But whenever I log out of my KDE session, qjackctl alerts me that it will keep running in the system tray, and literally cancels my KDE logout while qjackctl does exit completely (no sys tray either). Also, if I immediately restart qjackctl after this occurrence, it automagically restarts jackd, and it's not set up to do that...ever!

Is there anyway to stop this behavior?

Cannot make connections on ALSA tab


I know that's not a 100% accurate statement in the subject line, I can make connections from the "Midi Through" output port to any software synth that appears in the Writable Clients / Input Ports pane, but not from the output port that I need. For the record, I am using Kubuntu 8.04 on the system in question.

commandline syntax problems


When i try to start jackd with qjackctl i have no luck, but when i start jackd outside of qjackctl it works no problem because of this:

11:58:30.321 /usr/local/bin set_rlimits jackd -v -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n2
11:58:30.326 Could not start JACK. Sorry.

And if you need me to spell it out: "/usr/local/bin" should not be in front of the commandline string

Keystrokes per port.


I have a question Rui, about the feasability of this.

Can we, or is it possible to assign a qwerty keystroke for midi ports in qjackctl?

Here's the project case.

I have 1 midi keyboard, and 10 linuxsampler ports.
I'd like to assign a keystroke for the midi keyboard, and a key stroke for each of the linusampler ports.

Then i'd like to connect and disconnect ports using the keystrokes.

This is for a simple setup, of 1 midi keyboard, 10 Linuxsampler ports, and a recording device.

Going from older version of qjackctl to newer?


With some stability problems running Jack in Ubuntu 8.04.1, & my current v. of qjackctl is 0.3.2, I am considering installing the latest v. of qujackctl 0.3.3, in the effort to resolve. Is this ok? & (how or) do I need to uninstall the older version before... or does the new one just over write the old.

qjackctl cannot find jack shared library


Dear community:

Perhaps someone has an idea as to how to fix this.

I have a MIDI controller keyboard (with no speakers) which I would like to play
though my computer (Ubuntu 7.04). I am told that a fluidsynth – jack
combination should do the trick.

I've gotten as far as installing jack and qjackctl; however when I attempt to
start qjackctl I get the following message:

qjackctl: error while loading shared libraries: libjack.so.0: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory