Ten years after, nothing to do with Alvin Lee's but one by-product of this über-procrastinator of yours truly :) here goes one more strike to the Linux Audio ecosystem. Rather an almost forgotten niche nowadays, I cannot let this rot in my hard disk. There it is, a XG Editor for the masses, at least the ones who love gems like the Yamaha DB50XG, a precious old piece of hardware that I do strive and joy (pun intended).
If, by this time you don't have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, move on, there's nothing to see here. This is strictly pure nineties memorabilia but one of the finest pieces of junk you could rig into a PC and turn it on a full-fledged rave machine. Do you remember the days? Awe my 8)
Now that you're following in tune (probably you already googled around) you may reckon that XGEdit95 and XG-Gold are two fine examples of the same subject. More than fine, both do excel in their purpose. There were the high times of shareware (I've told you before, this is memorabilia:) ... yeah right.
Enter QXGEdit. While both of the former may drink the young wine just fine, it has been my prerogative doing things my own way. Linux straight. How could it be any other way? Truth is, this bastard has been slugging on my attic far too long, but this late summer it has revived to a new life. Time to bring it down and share. Provided theres still enough interest on the scene ;)