MIDI / Audio LV2 Plugin


Hey Rui,

I am developing an LV2 plugin which has both MIDI and audio input ports. If I attach this plugin to a Midi track or bus I can see no way of routing the audio into the audio input ports of the plugin.

Conversely, if I add this to an audio track or bus I cannot see the Midi input port in the MIDI connections tab.

Am I doing something wrong?

thanks for developing such a great product.



these are some things you have to know about qtractor under-the-hood workings ;)

  • all plugin processing and routing is internal to qtractor;
  • you won't ever see any plugin ports exposed to the outside, exceptions made to the insert Send/Return and Aux-Send pseudo-plugins;
  • only buses present audio/MIDI ports respectively to the outside;
  • when inserted, each audio/MIDI plugin port is mapped 1:1 and routed internally in qtractor track/bus;
  • all this internal routing is done seamlessly for input and output and inter-chained plugins, provided that plugin audio and MIDI ports are declared in conventional order (eg. first audio port is left channel, second is right channel).


Ah... OK.

So I can getting it working if I create a MIDI bus and MIDI track and add an insert to the track to receive the incoming audio.
I expected that this would have appeared automatically as a jack input (in the same manner that I have MIDI Bus In / MDI Bus out Output Ports are created when I created the bus). But this works for me. Now I know


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