Mixer - Midi tracks issue with Qtractor 0.5.4



I wonder, I checked forums and some of the release notes, but didn't yet find the answer:

I'm having this problem, where my project volumes with MIDI-tracks in this "mixer"-window seem to lose their effective values after saving and reloading the project.

By this I mean, It actually does store the volume values, but, it doesn't use those values right after loading the project. In order to get the mixer slider affect volume correctly, I have to change the value for something else, and then back to what it was. Not a big hazzle, but if there are many midi tracks, it does take some effort to set the volumes again each time when a project is loaded.

So to clear up, volumes are being saved, but not used, after loading the project again.

Is this corrected already in the latest releases?


Ps. This is a great tool. I'll use it as "-the- multitrack editor" for my projects. :)


midi track's mixer volume and pan controls are just dedicated to their midi channel volume (cc#7) and panning (cc#10) controllers.

so it might be case you're facing that either:

a. you have more than one midi track assigned to a same midi channel;
b. your midi clip files have some embedded cc#7 and cc#10 events in them;
c. something else i fail to ack.atm.

and yes, you're here invited to update to latest svn trunk (currently v0.5.7.25+), by all means ;)


Thanks for the reply!

Ah I was supposed to ask; Do my Qtractor projects open & work fine with the latest release also? If they do, I will update immediately, else I'll have to wait a moment to get my latest project finished.

a) All the midi tracks are on their own channels in this project.
b) Do you have knowledge about midi controllers? I have this basic midi-keyboard, Behringer UMX49, that I use to record what I play. I don't touch the volume/pan knob usually, so I don't think there are these cc#7 or cc#10. UNLESS, the keyboard does it automatically and somehow keeps sending this cc#7 "code".... :) ??? Is there a way to check a midifile if it holds this kind of information?

Do my Qtractor projects open & work fine with the latest release also?
as much as possible, yes.

all session files are readable and work alright from any qtractor version, back or forward. the thing you must be aware is that newer sessions may certainly loose some precious feature data iif saved while on older versions of the program.



Thanks! I'll try the new version in no-time.

Before that, some update on the issue. I noticed, this problem happens only when starting Qtractor, and loading a project. If I have set those mixer volumes ok, and then load some other project, the volumes are set correctly. I tested this by first saving 1 project 2 times as different filenames, then altering the same miditracks volume, others is 0, others is 54%. Well now loading the project with 0% it really is 0(not audible). And then loading the other one. It's audible. So, this problem occurs only when starting Qtracktor, and loading a project.

- MasQ


You should try the "MIDI-OX" application and detect what is coming out of your USB keyboard.
I have a Behringer UMX49 here and it keeps sending "CC: Volume" messages,

When I use Sylenth1 VST, it makes the volume jump all over the place.

I thought it was the electronic glider (volume up/down) but the USB keyboard still sends thos codes even after unsoldering the electronic element inside the USB keyboard (unplug from electronic PCB board)

I don't know what to do.

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