Unwanted connections


Every time I open one of my qtractor projects, the first thing I need to do is to disconnect "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" from qtractor's Master/in.

I can't find any way within qtractor to remove this automatic connection, and I remember Carl Irwin mentioning in one of his video tutorials that qtractor always makes this connection whether the user wants it or not.

I tried deleting the relevant parts of the <input-connects> section of one of my .qtr files, but that didn't help, so it rather looks as if qtractor doesn't actually refer to this part of the file.

Is there a way of stopping qtractor making this connection whenever a file is opened, or is there some reason this behaviour has to be there?


Ah - the auto-connect is what I missed! So I reckon that for an existing session, in my .qtr file I should change
and then delete the relevant parts of the <input-connects> section, or even replace that whole section with <input-connects/> if there are no other wanted inputs.

It seems to work - so far. Have I missed anything?

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