MIDI event copy/cut/paste


it would be great if when selecting MIDI CC events, and copy/cut them, I could change their type on paste - based on what is selected to view - like currently "1 - Modulation Wheel (coarse)" here:


among other tiny bitsy fixes, svn trunk rev.1735 (qtractor- commit log says:

- Copy-pasting across controller event types is now
possible on the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).



I'm picking up my music making after a decade's pause and I found the qtractor very nice. It took a while before I realized that it is in alpha state!
That's impressing! I'm using the 0.50 version on ubuntu.
I have a few questions/concerns/wishes:

It would be nice be able to delete an control/program change in the event window without being selected in the dropdown boxes.
It would be nice to have the filter being active in the Event window, not only in the scroll edit window.

At the moment I import MIDI tracks from old midi files to make new songs in qtractor and I discovered that the file I was imported was used in the new song.
When you import you should use the imported content but leave the imported file alone?

In the Buses window you can right-click the MIDI icon on the left and get an menu with disabled menu items. I failed to find out how to create a new MIDI bus in the application (I found i later on this forum) but the present 'change name and click create' is not intuitive (for me:).

Thanks for a great application!

re. It would be nice be able to delete an control/program change in the event window without being selected in the dropdown boxes. It would be nice to have the filter being active in the Event window, not only in the scroll edit window.
noted. an event filter is surely missing on the event list viewer (menu View/Windows/Events). thanks for the reminder :)

re. When you import you should use the imported content but leave the imported file alone?
sorry. i'm not quite following you. would you mind taking some time to explain what really is the question?

re. Buses window...present 'change name and click create' is not intuitive (for me:).
yes i know :) you probably have also read that i also rank it quite low in intuitiveness. well, but now you know how it works and you only have that epiphany once :))

cheers && thanks


re. When you import you should use the imported content but leave the imported file alone?
sorry. i'm not quite following you. would you mind taking some time to explain what really is the question?

RE: When I import a file in an program like in this case , import tracks from an midi file I expect the midi file to be untouched an not used by the qtr/qts file.
When you open a file, then you open the file for editing, when you import a file you only use the content of the file not the file it self.
The proper action as I see it would be to create new midi file(s) for the content of the imported track(s).

Thanks for the quick response.

When you open a file, then you open the file for editing, when you import a file you only use the content of the file not the file it self.
The proper action as I see it would be to create new midi file(s) for the content of the imported track(s).

i think i understand your question now. let's put it this way. qtractor works as designed by dealing with midi files as its external storage midi data format. ie. midi data are always stored and retrieved from standard midi files (smf).

now please note that a qtractor "session" is a collection of references to all the midi or audio files that happen to be in use. those files, or better yet, references to those files, have been eventually "imported" into session by user request. nb. file drag-and-drop is fundamentally the very same operation as "importing" the same files. you just put files, or parts of them (clips) into tracks under some sequence, thus the moniker "audio/midi sequencer" ;). no more, no less. in qtractor there's no distinction between "importing" or "opening" a file. got that?

also, qtractor session files do just refer to media data files (audio or midi), something that some other programs may call as "links". qtractor always refers to media data as external "links". it doesn't copy any files around the file system into some session directory. the file stays put where it is originally located on the file-system. the session refers (links) to the files, simple as that. ok, calling it "import" may be kind of a misnomer but see that's called "importing tracks" (in abstract sense), not quite exactly "importing files" (in concrete sense) ;)

now you ask: you changed the midi data on the midi clip editor, for instance and now you want to know where the new or modified data will get saved/stored. you may now guess it right that the new and/or modified contents is saved/stored into a genuine standard midi file (smf), either the one previously referred to or, most likely, a brand new one (often with some revision numbering scheme added to the respective file name).

maybe by this time you're a lot more confused than before :)


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