Tape delay simulation effect


Recently started using qtractor from appimage file in Linux mint20. I found most effects fairly self explanatory. But the Tape Delay Simulation is more involved. Can this be used to add analogue saturation to a mix? Where can I find further information on how to best use this effect? The website plugin.org.UK cited on the About tab of the effect control window seems a few years out of date and I could find no info on particular effect plugins. Thanks, in anticipation of help/advice


well, it's all quite specific to the plugin in question, for which I have zero knowledge and experience :)

maybe someone else may chime in, perhaps?



It's the Tape Delay Simulation plugin by Steve Harris, part of the swh-plugins; from the included ladspa-swh.html document:

Correctly models the tape motion and some of the smear effect, there is no simulation fo the head saturation yet, as I don't have a good model of it. When I get one I will add it.The way the tape accelerates and decelerates gives a nicer delay effect for many purposes.

So if you're after analogue saturation, you're better off with other plugins like Valve saturation also in swh-plugins, C* Saturate, Calf Tape Simulator, Calf Saturator, ZamAutoSat, CHOW Tape Model.

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