Hi everyone!
The Vee One Suite of so called old-school software instruments, synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer, drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler and padthv1 as a polyphonic additive synthesizer, are now all out for the septentrional Autumn'18.
All available in dual standard forms:
- a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
- a LV2 instrument plug-in.
Where applicable, the common change-log for this Fall goes like this:
- For safety reasons, all processing is now suspended while loading presets or program changes are issued.
- AppStream metadata updated to be the most compliant with latest freedesktop.org specification and recommendation.
- SIGTERM (and SIGINT) signal handler added to close the JACK stand-alone client applications properly.
- Make the GUI not to show initially on NSM.
- Current element sample offset/loop start/end parameters automation is now a possibility, on the LV2 plug-in only (applies to samplv1 and drumkv1 only).
- Make NSM state independent to session display name, keeping backward compatibility for old sessions.
- Give some more slack to schedule/worker thread ring-buffer.
The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
Let the rain come down!
synthv1 - an old-school polyphonic synthesizer
synthv1 0.9.3 (autumn'18) is out!
synthv1 is an old-school all-digital 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
synthv1-0.9.3.tar.gz - source package:
synthv1-0.9.3-40.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
synthv1-0.9.3-40.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage package (JACK stand-alone only):
samplv1 - an old-school polyphonic sampler
samplv1 0.9.3 (autumn'18) is out!
samplv1 is an old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
samplv1-0.9.3.tar.gz - source package:
samplv1-0.9.3-40.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
samplv1-0.9.3-40.rncbc.suse.x86_4.rpm - AppImage package (JACK stand-alone only):
drumkv1 - an old-school drum-kit sampler
drumkv1 0.9.3 (autumn'18) is out!
drumkv1 is an old-school drum-kit sampler synthesizer with stereo fx.
- source tarball:
drumkv1-0.9.3.tar.gz - source package:
drumkv1-0.9.3-36.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
drumkv1-0.9.3-36.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage package (JACK stand-alone only):
padthv1 - an old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
padthv1 0.9.3 (autumn'18) is out!
padthv1 is an old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer with stereo fx
padthv1 is based on the PADsynth algorithm by Paul Nasca, as a special variant of additive synthesis.
- source tarball:
padthv1-0.9.3.tar.gz - source package:
padthv1-0.9.3-7.rncbc.suse.src.rpm - binary package (openSUSE Tumbleweed):
padthv1-0.9.3-7.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm - AppImage package (JACK stand-alone only):
Enjoy && keep the fun.
Vee One suite and LibraZiK-2
This comment to let you know that on the last weeks, Ive been updating the Vee One suite in LibraZiK-2 to 0.9.3.
I wrote a blog article (in French) about this update that you can find here : https://librazik.tuxfamily.org/dotclear/blog/?post/Nouveaut%C3%A9s-Libr… and the documentation pages for these 4 software are still here (in French too):
- https://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc2/logiciels/padthv1
- https://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc2/logiciels/samplv1
- https://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc2/logiciels/synthv1
- https://librazik.tuxfamily.org/doc2/logiciels/drumkv1
Thanks for these nice apps !
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