Not sure if this feature exists and I'm just missing it or it doesn't exist. "Back in the day" I used Studio Vision Pro which had a great step recording feature; You would select your quantization (say 1/16 notes) push record then play in the notes off your controller. If you wanted a rest you would push space. Holding shift would tie the note.
This worked great for building drum tracks as well as getting out all my crazy ideas.
Any chance something along these lines can make it's way into Qtractor?
Not sure if this feature exists and I'm just missing it or it doesn't exist. "Back in the day" I used Studio Vision Pro which had a great step recording feature; You would select your quantization (say 1/16 notes) push record then play in the notes off your controller. If you wanted a rest you would push space. Holding shift would tie the note.
This worked great for building drum tracks as well as getting out all my crazy ideas.
Any chance something along these lines can make it's way into Qtractor?