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Wow, master, thank you very much, this is really something. Makes my day ; Come to think of it, not often times does one get congrats for his work from the author of the very tool used to accomplish it. The work. I feel dizzy :)
About the wiki, I remember making a few inputs on it, but I lost my SF access somehow (it's the 2nd time in 20 years, what is it with me and SF?) anyway, you are right, I'm going to get back on it. And about the tutorial, we intend to start a whole Qtractor section on LMP, so thank you again for you kind proof-reading.

About this icon "issue" (the French word for what I have in mind is "caprice") I don't get you: Precisely, the bigger the screen, the higher the res, the smaller the things on it..? Are you saying you're going to take the option back from Qjackctl? I should have kept my mouth shut :)

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