which plugins are giving you the (head)aches ?
i'll upload a list of them....soon..
however there are a (few) standard and stable ones which shall be considered rock solid.
Can u Name them Please.....
first thing to ask (yourself) is, where did you get those plugins in the first place? are they fit to the system environment you're working on? what is your base distro? did you compile everything from source or did you installed all related packages from one single and trusty distro packager?
Actually i first tried artistx,Ubuntustudio,AVlinux(Ya, i was once a distro geek) and guess what, i have the same frustation what i have now(except AVlinux), but assure u that i was feeling much better than Windows and Mac at Both system level and software level. But i simply do all these things out of curiosity, but i find it very tiresome to Download updates and compile and see errors and workarounds with the new things, So then i came across KXStudio everything was working well(yes i feel it as hybrid approach to both frustation with distros and tiresomeness with Compiling from scratch), i abondoned the idea of switching distros(also compiling things) and just trust one distro, go ahead and improve it.
The Community and falkTX Was very kind and helpfull so i just trusted the distro and soon(my curiosity turned in different direction this time with software). I don't even know why i switched to free/open source software(may be due to frustation with windows and mac).So now i tried Literally hundreds of software because i don't know y i came here, Then one of my friends had a piano in his house and playing it , I should confess that i felt jealous and came home and blindly declared to make my own music, But here is the catch i(and my family) not going to able afford to buy a complete keyboard kit(Not even MIDI keyboard) although my family never allowed me to become musician(or artist they simply imagined me as an engineer), and searched ...searched and finally came across some software(Ardour,Rosegarden,muse etc....),Although Ardour is fine tuned to audio production and does it very well, but i find it aweful to compose music, Finally came across Non-* things and felt that there are still humans alive on this earth,because it balances both simplicity and features, which are lacking in ardour(although now i think ardour is pretty much bloated),but soon it(Non) also became not suitable for what i have been looking for, Then came across qtractor and testing Qtractor 0.6.7, i used yoshimi and Qtractor for composing until i found the lv2, dssi plugins felt & disgusting for the decision made myself(by switching to plugins),But also felt that i am missing a manual(myself and/or others like me) so i decided to write a manual for qtractor and writing it, but the plugins are putting me off my work...:(.
Finally gnu/linux is pretty much Better than windows or mac(Atleast for me), So now i have learnt a lesson in the past(by switching distros and software) that no software is ever perfect(humans are not prefect then y should be the software they write) so instead of wasting time by looking for perfect software ,make a software I use perfect(atleast for me) , So currently Learning C++ and qt( i told u i don't know y i came here, just doing what i want to out of my curiosity) to first code the JACK-MIDI(and some MIDI things in qtractor to make 'mouse composition' make less painfull) but it's not going to happen any near(or if it is u would have done it already....)
don't despair! :)
which plugins are giving you the (head)aches ?
i'll upload a list of them....soon..
however there are a (few) standard and stable ones which shall be considered rock solid.
Can u Name them Please.....
first thing to ask (yourself) is, where did you get those plugins in the first place? are they fit to the system environment you're working on? what is your base distro? did you compile everything from source or did you installed all related packages from one single and trusty distro packager?
Actually i first tried artistx,Ubuntustudio,AVlinux(Ya, i was once a distro geek) and guess what, i have the same frustation what i have now(except AVlinux), but assure u that i was feeling much better than Windows and Mac at Both system level and software level. But i simply do all these things out of curiosity, but i find it very tiresome to Download updates and compile and see errors and workarounds with the new things, So then i came across KXStudio everything was working well(yes i feel it as hybrid approach to both frustation with distros and tiresomeness with Compiling from scratch), i abondoned the idea of switching distros(also compiling things) and just trust one distro, go ahead and improve it.
The Community and falkTX Was very kind and helpfull so i just trusted the distro and soon(my curiosity turned in different direction this time with software). I don't even know why i switched to free/open source software(may be due to frustation with windows and mac).So now i tried Literally hundreds of software because i don't know y i came here, Then one of my friends had a piano in his house and playing it , I should confess that i felt jealous and came home and blindly declared to make my own music, But here is the catch i(and my family) not going to able afford to buy a complete keyboard kit(Not even MIDI keyboard) although my family never allowed me to become musician(or artist they simply imagined me as an engineer), and searched ...searched and finally came across some software(Ardour,Rosegarden,muse etc....),Although Ardour is fine tuned to audio production and does it very well, but i find it aweful to compose music, Finally came across Non-* things and felt that there are still humans alive on this earth,because it balances both simplicity and features, which are lacking in ardour(although now i think ardour is pretty much bloated),but soon it(Non) also became not suitable for what i have been looking for, Then came across qtractor and testing Qtractor 0.6.7, i used yoshimi and Qtractor for composing until i found the lv2, dssi plugins felt & disgusting for the decision made myself(by switching to plugins),But also felt that i am missing a manual(myself and/or others like me) so i decided to write a manual for qtractor and writing it, but the plugins are putting me off my work...:(.
Finally gnu/linux is pretty much Better than windows or mac(Atleast for me), So now i have learnt a lesson in the past(by switching distros and software) that no software is ever perfect(humans are not prefect then y should be the software they write) so instead of wasting time by looking for perfect software ,make a software I use perfect(atleast for me) , So currently Learning C++ and qt( i told u i don't know y i came here, just doing what i want to out of my curiosity) to first code the JACK-MIDI(and some MIDI things in qtractor to make 'mouse composition' make less painfull) but it's not going to happen any near(or if it is u would have done it already....)
That's it from me.....Thanks for the help
Cheers :) ;)