Technically, this is not the power Linux users way of doing this, but I follow the Redhat rule and use the ./configure --prefix=/usr option when building Qtractor, or anything else, for that matter. Sure, many Linux users will tell this is bad, but really, it's not. The whole concept behind this usage of /usr/local derived from people wanting to keep their own compiled programs separated from the OS files. While most Linux programmers still follow this rule as a default, most distributions do not, to some extent.
If you simply recompile your programs using this (--prefix=/usr), I'd guess all your problems will magically disappear. Just remember to do a "make uninstall" first, for each program you compiled, to clean out the /usr/local/ dirs.
Technically, this is not the power Linux users way of doing this, but I follow the Redhat rule and use the ./configure --prefix=/usr option when building Qtractor, or anything else, for that matter. Sure, many Linux users will tell this is bad, but really, it's not. The whole concept behind this usage of /usr/local derived from people wanting to keep their own compiled programs separated from the OS files. While most Linux programmers still follow this rule as a default, most distributions do not, to some extent.
If you simply recompile your programs using this (--prefix=/usr), I'd guess all your problems will magically disappear. Just remember to do a "make uninstall" first, for each program you compiled, to clean out the /usr/local/ dirs.