Hi, just wanted to inform that I ran into problems building from svn due to the fact that I have both qt4 and qt5 installed, the configure script got somehow confused over which one to use. I guess configure decided on qt4, but qmake was going for qt5. I ran with dkpg-buildpackage and I didn't know how to fix it other than forcing the configure.ac to select qt5, which is what I wanted.
Hi, just wanted to inform that I ran into problems building from svn due to the fact that I have both qt4 and qt5 installed, the configure script got somehow confused over which one to use. I guess configure decided on qt4, but qmake was going for qt5. I ran with dkpg-buildpackage and I didn't know how to fix it other than forcing the configure.ac to select qt5, which is what I wanted.