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Thanks for continuing the investigation :-) I've just grabbed and will let you know if I encounter anything.

I tried to continue with the piece I've been battling with through the various bugs/routing issues I've been discussing with you, but ran into a new one today which is preventing me from continuing (unless I, say, export MIDI files and re-import into a new project). Basically, when recording the MIDI tracks to audio tracks, Qtractor will "jump" in a certain place, throwing the timings off (MIDI is fine; audio is out of synch). The playhead will physically freeze for a split second before continuing. It happens 100% (at least for me) and there's no xrun in Jack. This is something I've never seen before.

Do you have any thoughts on this? If you're interested in seeing the file, I could upload a .qtz to sourceforge, but it's hardly a "clean" file, as I've worked on it over numerous versions of Qtractor. It's also one of the files I had the tempo/time sig problems in (though I've now removed almost all of them, as I mentioned previously). However, the place where the audio jumps is, as far as I can remember, not one of the places where a tempo/time sig change occurred.

And a "bonus" :-) Qtractor segfaults 100% each time I try to remove 2 of the 4 Inserts I have in there, whether they're active or not.

Please let me know your thoughts.

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