In case anyone else would find it useful, the script below, when combined with an appropriate template file, will create a new session from the template, named after the date-time, and open it in qtractor, ready for recording with no further ado. You should edit the variables per your own preferences.
In case anyone else would find it useful, the script below, when combined with an appropriate template file, will create a new session from the template, named after the date-time, and open it in qtractor, ready for recording with no further ado. You should edit the variables per your own preferences.
SESSION_NAME=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
sed \
-e "s/<session version=\"\([^\"]*\)\" name=\"[^\"]*\">/<session version=\"\1\" name=\"$SESSION_NAME\">/" \
-e "s?<directory>.*</directory>?<directory>$SESSION_DIR</directory>?" \
qtractor "$SESSION_FILE" &