Now that I've woken up a little bit more, it occurs to me that I may be able to do what I want by having the script copy a template .qtr file to another location, modify the session name, and open that with qtractor. Also, I'm wondering if simply changing the extension from .qtr to .qtt is enough to cause qtractor to open a file given on the command line as a template rather than a session... guess I'll try it and see.
[EDIT] Yes, it does indeed appear to work this way. I didn't find documentation of the .qtt extension anywhere, just displayed as a filter choice in the file browser. I'd be happy to try to contribute to the new wiki if given editing rights; qtractor is worthy of a little more documentation, I think. :)
Now that I've woken up a little bit more, it occurs to me that I may be able to do what I want by having the script copy a template .qtr file to another location, modify the session name, and open that with qtractor. Also, I'm wondering if simply changing the extension from .qtr to .qtt is enough to cause qtractor to open a file given on the command line as a template rather than a session... guess I'll try it and see.
[EDIT] Yes, it does indeed appear to work this way. I didn't find documentation of the .qtt extension anywhere, just displayed as a filter choice in the file browser. I'd be happy to try to contribute to the new wiki if given editing rights; qtractor is worthy of a little more documentation, I think. :)