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OK, so I did what you said and went to the OpenSUSE build service and downloaded and installed the latest SVN of Qtractor. I couldn't install it in KXStudio for whatever reason, but I could in OpenSUSE after installing some other dependencies(also by you on the build service :)), and this is the result:

OK, so exporting ACTUALLY works now :). That's really awesome. Importing an exported MIDI file to another program(like Rosegarden) shows the right names and show/play the right patches for all the tracks. So that's really awesome :).

But there is one other problem... I still have that other issue, which is that when I reopen a Qtractor project after restarting the computer it plays the wrong patches... :(

OK, so I got really happy when I saw that exporting worked, but then of course everything didn't work... Anyway, good job. It's really cool to be able to speak directly to the developer of a program like this :).

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