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Thanks once again for the swift action. Very unexpected for an open source project, but very welcome :-) I checked out from svn and this seems to work fine now. I tried a variety of plug-ins on a variety of buses and all settings restored correctly.

And thanks for the information on "Insert" and "Aux Send" - that was exactly what I was looking for :-) I don't think these had any "Send Gain" functionality the last time I looked and, from reading the various discussions, I didn't think any would be added. I'm extremely glad this is there though.

I had a play with "Aux Send" and currently have things set up as per the below. Not sure if it's "correct" (though everyone's needs are different), but Qtractor now does what I want it to do:

MIDI Track > Aux Send > Reverb Bus (used by multiple tracks) > Master In (coming from Reverb Bus' "out" connections) > Master Bounce Track

In addition, I was planning to test "Insert" with JAMin, but encountered a problem:

On the "Insert - [track name]" window, there are buttons for Sends and Returns. Clicking either of these opens the Connections window, but on doing so, the title bar of the Connections window is greyed out, making its content un-selectable. It seems this window should be given focus here? At this point, both the "Insert" and "Track" windows are still usable and, once these are closed, "Connections" then becomes usable once more.

Note that Insert connections can still be made by:

1) Enabling the insert in the Inserts window
2) Closing the Inserts window
3) Making the actual connection via the Connections window

Doing the above will successfully route to an external source (in my case, JAMin). However, upon re-loading a project with such a connection made, Qtractor will segfault. (In terms of repro rate, I've tried this on two separate projects, both of which crash Qtractor 100% upon opening).

Should I open a ticket for this? By the way, I was going to attach a .qtr file which causes the crash, but can't find any attach option here. I can always attach this to the ticket though, if one were to be needed.

Sorry again for the long post, but in terms of other business...

Would you like me to open a ticket for this too, or just leave it with you?

There's one other point I wanted to raise, but I left it out of the original post, as it was already very long. I'll note it below:

Is it possible to "ramp" up/down between tempos in Qtractor? For reference, I mean the kind of thing you can do in Rosegarden - set start/end tempos, then gradually increase/decrease tempo between them, so that the piece as a whole either speeds up or slows down. At the moment, I'm inserting tempo changes manually every bar or so - this can achieve the same effect, but is rather tedious. FYI, I saw the section on Time Shift/Accelerate in the 0.5.x manual, but this appears to be just for notes within clips, rather than the piece as a whole.

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