yes, your usb controller as most doesn't provide a jack-midi input interface (midi tab) ootb. but only a alsa-midi one (alsa-sequencer, alsa tab).
you'll need to bridge alsa-midi to jack-midi interfaces by either starting up the internal jackd midi driver (-Xseq) via Setup/Settings/MIDI Driver = "seq" or the stand-alone a2jmidid bridge utility.
a2jmidid is generally best recommended: you can run it from qjackctl by setting Setup/Options/Execute script after startup = "a2jmidid -e &". so that every time you start jackd from qjackctl it will also run the a2jmidid bridge in the background and there you'll be able to see your usb controller alright on the (jack-)midi connections tab. iirc it should appear under the a2j client name...
yes, your usb controller as most doesn't provide a jack-midi input interface (midi tab) ootb. but only a alsa-midi one (alsa-sequencer, alsa tab).
you'll need to bridge alsa-midi to jack-midi interfaces by either starting up the internal jackd midi driver (
) via Setup/Settings/MIDI Driver = "seq
" or the stand-alone a2jmidid bridge utility.a2jmidid is generally best recommended: you can run it from qjackctl by setting Setup/Options/Execute script after startup = "
a2jmidid -e &
". so that every time you start jackd from qjackctl it will also run the a2jmidid bridge in the background and there you'll be able to see your usb controller alright on the (jack-)midi connections tab. iirc it should appear under thea2j
client name...cheers