I've been studying up on LV2 development, however, I'm struggling to get the official example plugins to compile; I'm not sure if I'm using the incorrect version of lv2core(it doesn't specify), or if I need some sort of odd compiler flags... but that's not what I came here to ask you...
What I did come here to ask is: Is there a particular version of lv2core, lv2-midi and lv2-ui that I should be targeting if my ultimate goal is perfect compatibility with Qtractor?
I'm only looking to display a GUI, consume audio and midi coming in from Qtractor, and to be able to output audio again, I don't need any other advanced features of the LV2 API.
I'm back :)
I've been studying up on LV2 development, however, I'm struggling to get the official example plugins to compile; I'm not sure if I'm using the incorrect version of lv2core(it doesn't specify), or if I need some sort of odd compiler flags... but that's not what I came here to ask you...
What I did come here to ask is: Is there a particular version of lv2core, lv2-midi and lv2-ui that I should be targeting if my ultimate goal is perfect compatibility with Qtractor?
I'm only looking to display a GUI, consume audio and midi coming in from Qtractor, and to be able to output audio again, I don't need any other advanced features of the LV2 API.
Thanks again