Interesting thought, I gave Interesting thought, I gave it a test: update: id:0 key:'log.level' value:'2' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.rate' value:'44100' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.allowed-rates' value:'[ 44100, 48000 ]' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.quantum' value:'1024' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.min-quantum' value:'32' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.max-quantum' value:'2048' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.force-quantum' value:'0' type:'' update: id:0 key:'clock.force-rate' value:'48000' type:'' It is as strange as frustrating: as soon as I connect sc44100 the speed changes and when I disconnect everything goes back to normal. Reply
Interesting thought, I gave it a test:
update: id:0 key:'log.level' value:'2' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.rate' value:'44100' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.allowed-rates' value:'[ 44100, 48000 ]' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.quantum' value:'1024' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.min-quantum' value:'32' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.max-quantum' value:'2048' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.force-quantum' value:'0' type:''
update: id:0 key:'clock.force-rate' value:'48000' type:''
It is as strange as frustrating: as soon as I connect sc44100 the speed changes and when I disconnect everything goes back to normal.