Thinking about this a bit more, I see now that 69.0.640 BBT is equivalent to 2:46 in minutes and seconds, if the tempo is assumed to be 100 bpm throughout.
So it appears Qtractor doesn't take into account the tempo change when computing the session length in BBT. Hence, the value appearing in the status bar is inaccurate in this case. Time and frames seem to be okay, though, as mentioned.
Thinking about this a bit more, I see now that 69.0.640 BBT is equivalent to 2:46 in minutes and seconds, if the tempo is assumed to be 100 bpm throughout.
So it appears Qtractor doesn't take into account the tempo change when computing the session length in BBT. Hence, the value appearing in the status bar is inaccurate in this case. Time and frames seem to be okay, though, as mentioned.