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I am indeed enjoying it, Rui! Thanks for adding this feature in. I think being able to move by quantize units OR by note offers some real flexibility. And both fit very neatly with hotkey shortcut options. It makes the MIDI editor exceedingly slick for rapidly and precisely getting around.

For best use when editing a passage, it would be particularly nice if each time the user steps to the next note (whether backward or forward), that note is automatically selected, making it ready for instantaneous movement up or down on the piano roll, or for that matter any other editing.

I noticed that the Up and Down arrow keys are already capable of moving a selected note by pitch, though this option doesn't seem to appear in any of the menus or in the hotkey definition window. This might be worth mentioning in the documentation somewhere...a hidden Easter egg, as it were.

So, if automatic selection were possible, the workflow might appear like this:

  1. Step along the notes, however desired, using the Left and Right arrow keys. Each time, the note is highlighted and selected.

  2. Then move that selected note by pitch, however desired, using the Up and Down arrow keys (which is already in Qtractor).

This could really be efficient when hammering out a passage: only the four arrow keys are required, with no recourse to the mouse or any menus.

What do you think?

In any event, thanks again for implementing the step-by-note feature. I've already become quite accustomed to it!


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