Regarding the tri-state nature of these modes, that bothered me too at the outset. Then it occurred that Edit Draw is mutually exclusive with both Edit On and Edit Off. So a simple solution would be to have Edit Draw shut off either Edit On or Edit Off (whichever is currently active). Likewise, Edit On and Edit Off would both shut off Edit Draw.
Again, a little tag in the status bar would indicate which of the three modes is currently active. Besides being neatly applicable to hotkeys, this could make how and when to use the trio more intuitive for newcomers. For clarity, then, how about this:
Choosing Edit Draw turns off Edit On or Edit Off (whichever is active), and enters drawing mode.
Choosing Edit On turns off Edit Off or Edit Draw (whichever is active), and enters note entry mode.
Choosing Edit Off turns off Edit On or Edit Draw (which is active), and enters note selection mode.
And a little tag in the status bar, like DRW, ENT, SEL indicates which.
Regarding the tri-state nature of these modes, that bothered me too at the outset. Then it occurred that Edit Draw is mutually exclusive with both Edit On and Edit Off. So a simple solution would be to have Edit Draw shut off either Edit On or Edit Off (whichever is currently active). Likewise, Edit On and Edit Off would both shut off Edit Draw.
Again, a little tag in the status bar would indicate which of the three modes is currently active. Besides being neatly applicable to hotkeys, this could make how and when to use the trio more intuitive for newcomers. For clarity, then, how about this:
And a little tag in the status bar, like DRW, ENT, SEL indicates which.