I'm going to start testing right now
(maldito traductor)
On the other hand, I have continued studying a solution.
I have tried to create the solution with the intention of explaining myself better.
I have not been successful (I can read code in c++, but not write it. It is not a language I know).
I respect your opinion. It is not an imposition. It is a simple need to be able to communicate and understand why it could be conflictive.
As I see it, it does not affect audio engineering, it only affects the interface, although I could be wrong.
I will try to explain myself with pseudocode. We open "qtractorBusForm.cpp"
Line 478
// Check whether the current view is elligible for action.
Line 490 should be::
if (
"Bus not is duplex mode" ||
"There is more than one Audio Bus in duplex mode" ||
"There is more than one Midi Bus in duplex mode"
) {
iFlags |= Delete;
if ((m_pBus->prev())
iFlags |= MoveUp;
if (m_pBus->next())
iFlags |= MoveDown;
Line 526 should be::
if ((pBus == nullptr ||
("Bus not is duplex mode" || "There is more than one Audio Bus in duplex mode" || "There is more than one Midi Bus in duplex mode") ||
m_ui.BusModeComboBox->currentIndex() == 2))
iFlags |= Update;
Line 643
// Create a new bus from current view.
Línea 699 should be:
// usually created as last one...
// "So we will have to move it first of the list later"
// "because it is a more comfortable place in the usual workflow"
// "If the sends have to end up at the end, it is most common to position the bus who sends the "send"
qtractorBus *pBus = m_pBus;
while (pBus->next())
pBus = pBus->next();
"Send to the new item at the first of the list"
// Select the new bus...
It would not affect old sessions.
The tracks always have an entrance and exit to stay in.
Any bus can now be moved, deleted or updated.
The only restriction is to ensure that there is at least one duplex.
This restriction does not limit the workflow.
I'm going to start testing right now
(maldito traductor)
On the other hand, I have continued studying a solution.
I have tried to create the solution with the intention of explaining myself better.
I have not been successful (I can read code in c++, but not write it. It is not a language I know).
I respect your opinion. It is not an imposition. It is a simple need to be able to communicate and understand why it could be conflictive.
As I see it, it does not affect audio engineering, it only affects the interface, although I could be wrong.
I will try to explain myself with pseudocode. We open "qtractorBusForm.cpp"
It would not affect old sessions.
The tracks always have an entrance and exit to stay in.
Any bus can now be moved, deleted or updated.
The only restriction is to ensure that there is at least one duplex.
This restriction does not limit the workflow.
But I could be wrong.