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First, I'd like to point out that this is not urgent, and has no functional consequences. It's just an annoying warning.

I'm using PipeWire.

Qtractor now does what it should, but I still get the error.

Strange behavior:

1 If the session doesn't provide the samplerate data, Qtractor starts by default at 44100 (seen in the status bar).

2 I wonder why? Who provides the 4410 data if it's not in the session?

2 The warning appears.

4 I accept it, and the samplerate changes within Qtractor to the PipeWire value of 48000.

I have several hypotheses for this:
- My computer is possessed by a mocking spirit.
- Maybe PipeWire provides the data based on some lost jack configuration and confuses Qtractor.
- Maybe Qtractor takes the data from a lost Jack configuration before taking it from PipeWire.

I'm betting it's something related to demons and/or spirits :)

Thanks also for fixing the transport and range not being saved.

The worst thing is that I'm not sure if it started happening before compiling.
I suspect so, but I'm not sure either.
It's probably a bug in my computer and Qtractor is doing things right now.

If someone else can test it we'll clear up any doubts.

If the bug is general I can think of a possible solution.
If a template is opened, before running the xml, add the samplerate tag taking it from the audio engine.

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