1: The problem IS connected to the FireWire device. I when I test with my Delta 44, there does not seem to be this problem.
2: Debug-Output
I did as you told me, started the song with all midi tracks muted and activated the MIDI tracks one by one. See log below
(Everything after *** are my comments)
3: After I have seen theese sendAllControllers(0) immediatly before the problem, I commented it it out in the source and recompiled. It does not solve the problem but prevent if from occuring immediatly.
Here we go:
*** Starting qtractor
Warning: no translation found for 'de_DE' locale: /usr/share/locale/qtractor_de_DE.qm
qtractorPluginPath[0x7fff39699ff0]::open() paths="/usr/local/lib64/lv2:/usr/lib64/lv2" typeHint=4
librdf warning - Model does not support contexts ( *** 3 times ***)
qtractorMainForm::loadSessionFile("/home/dehnhardt/QTractor/Default Session.qtr", 1)
qtractorMidiManager::createMidiManager(0x7f9b90000d30) *** 9 more addresses
qtractorMidiManager::createMidiManager(0x7f9b9026c5a0) *** 4 more addresses
here are the results:
1: The problem IS connected to the FireWire device. I when I test with my Delta 44, there does not seem to be this problem.
2: Debug-Output
I did as you told me, started the song with all midi tracks muted and activated the MIDI tracks one by one. See log below
(Everything after *** are my comments)
3: After I have seen theese sendAllControllers(0) immediatly before the problem, I commented it it out in the source and recompiled. It does not solve the problem but prevent if from occuring immediatly.
Here we go:
*** Starting qtractor
*** Naming of the ports is not finished in ffado, therefore these 'unknown...' names
*** Load Song
-- snip
-- snip
-- snip
*** Song loaded -> play
*** Now unmuting a first MIDI Sequence
*** Start of sequence!
*** What does this mean??? Here the timing is already instable
*** activating a second track
*** and now everything gets out of sync.
*** What does JackActivationCount... means?