input is always via bus, then filtered to corresponding MIDI track/channel on record or monitor; turn MIDI track Omni off to disable the filtering.
also, when Track > Auto Monitor is on, input filtering and translation is applied to current highlighted track, meaning that all MIDI events and channels will be filtered into the current track's assigned channel; if input if of more than one channel (eg. MPE messages, which is not supported anyhow) this auto-monitor mode might be counterproductive, as different channels are translated into one.
input is always via bus, then filtered to corresponding MIDI track/channel on record or monitor; turn MIDI track Omni off to disable the filtering.
also, when Track > Auto Monitor is on, input filtering and translation is applied to current highlighted track, meaning that all MIDI events and channels will be filtered into the current track's assigned channel; if input if of more than one channel (eg. MPE messages, which is not supported anyhow) this auto-monitor mode might be counterproductive, as different channels are translated into one.