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Theme designs do have some code already created. I am using as a trick to insert the css directly into the "qt configuration" tool that MX Linux comes with.
I've been browsing around with Qt5designer for a couple of days. And that has allowed me to understand how to get to the Qtractor classes with CSS.

As you can see in example 2, ThemePunk, the menu is horrible, the dark text is barely readable. When you go to Qtractor's configuration menus, the visual horror is much greater.
This is due to the limitations of only having [ColorThemes].
If we could incorporate custom CSS and icons, we could create amazing themes.

For me design is important.
For example, with the first topic I propose, a sound engineer would feel at home, with a modern and legible environment.

With the second, an electronic music musician would find an exciting and suggestive environment for his creativity.

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