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OK some additional information about this workflow :
I did experience with a 2 track setup ; a kick track ( audio ) which is triggering the sidechain compressor from a bassline audio track, so the bassline is having a ducking effect.
First create via Qtractors > view > buses a 3 or 4 channel audio buss type output.
In the connections window ( F8 ) connect the first 2 channels from this 4 track audio buss to the master-in, so we can later hear the ducked bassline.

Tracks setup in Qtractors mixer :
Track 1 : kick ( 2 channel track, with an insert ( "insert 1" ) in the mixer of this audio channel.
Track 2 : bassline ( 3 or 4 channel audio buss track, with an insert ( "insert 2" ) followed up with the sidechain compressor plugin in the mixer of this audio channel.
I did try both LSP sidechain compressor stereo and Calf sidechain compressor, which are 100% compatible.
Don't forget to activate the sidechain function in these plugins ; in lsp plugin > setup > chosse external & in the Calf plugin click the activate sidechain button.

Routing ( because of this specific insert effect setup, kick's send is pre qtractors mixer fader. ):
Open and activate the insert 1 plugin in the kick track > click sends > connect insert_1/out_1 with insert_2/in_3 and insert_1/out_2 with insert_2/in_4.
This sends the kick audio signal to channels 3 & 4 of the sidechain compressor plugin of the bassline track.
Settings sliders insert 1:
* send gain = kick volume to compessor sidechain channels 3 & 4
* dry gain = 1 ( signaal kick unaffected volume )
* wet gain = 0

On the bassline track : open and activate insert 2 plugin > click sends > connect insert_2/out_1 with insert_2/in_1 and insert_2/out_2 with insert_2/in_2.
Click the returns and check if insert_1/out_1 with insert_2/in_3, insert_1/out_2 with insert_2/in_4, insert_2/out_1 with insert_2/in_1 and insert_2/out_2 with insert_2/in_2 are connected.
Settings sliders insert 2:
* send gain = 1
* dry gain = 0 ( no original signal )
* wet gain = 1

Hoping this explanation is helpfull for some other qtractor users.
Maybe someone can add if this workflow also functions for a vocoder setup.... ;-)


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