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I have achieved what I set out to do with VST and CLAP formats.

I save the plugin in the same path as the template.
With a text editor I edit the plugin path to relative path:
<plugin type="CLAP">

It seems to work. It's a shame it can't be done with LV2.
I understand CLAP is free, but the CALF suite is only at LV2.

I don't like VTS because as it belongs to a company (multinational and with a fairly aggressive policy), the licensing conditions can change in the future.

So for now the solution I find:
1) LV2: Include a Readme document next to the template collection indicating which plugins are necessary to install. For now only the CALF suite, for the rest there are alternatives in CLAP.
2) CLAP and VST: include them along with templates with relative paths. VST only if there really is no other option.

I share my progress because I think it can be helpful to others.

When I have a collection of templates I will also share them here.

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