I do have the nvidia proprietary driver and latest kernel-rt and seeing no problems at all. I know it taints the kernel so that reporting bugs on this kernel setup is pretty useless. But again, I have seen no problem at all (latest is attotw).
However, I do my own kernel builds ;) and a special but pretty dumb patch should be applied to the nvidia wrapper source for it to work properly on rt kernels. That also means that you must have distinct nvidia kernel modules for each kernel, vanilla or rt. Isn't that your case?
I do have the nvidia proprietary driver and latest kernel-rt and seeing no problems at all. I know it taints the kernel so that reporting bugs on this kernel setup is pretty useless. But again, I have seen no problem at all (latest is attotw).
However, I do my own kernel builds ;) and a special but pretty dumb patch should be applied to the nvidia wrapper source for it to work properly on rt kernels. That also means that you must have distinct nvidia kernel modules for each kernel, vanilla or rt. Isn't that your case?