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Thanks for your approval!
My favorite part of open source software remains to be the friendly atmosphere among the development and fan community. (of course there are exceptions in some projects, but I've been pretty lucky so far :)

I hope some of the community will get on board, and help demonstrate some great features of this software.

But quite honestly, I think you are overestimating the difficulty and time required to make a screen cast. You could literally open this midi roll...
...set up some output plug-ins and just record the play-head going across. I know for SURE that it would be better than nothing. ;)

Louigi Verona
I'm glad to see that the QTractor community is alive and interested in demonstrating features! :D

To answer your question I found this review of Linux screen casting software;

I don't have much experience with screen casting, (and I can't help with this project since I haven't learned QTractor's GUI yet) but I will keep an eye out for a good Jack-audio-compatible screen casting application.

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