This is what synthv1 itself says on the PC ("synthv1_jack -v"
Qt: 5.15.0
synthv1: 0.9.14
This is, what the package manager (synaptic) says on my Raspberry Pi 4b
synthv1 0.8.6-1
synthv1_common 0.8.6-1
This is what synthv1 itself says on my Raspberry PI ("synthv1_jack -v")
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Qt: 5.11.3
synthv1: 0.8.6
thank you for your reply,
The LED blinks, if I press a key on the keyboard...
This is what the package manager (emerge) says on my PC:
[I] media-sound/synthv1 [1]
Available versions: (~)0.9.13 (~)0.9.14 **9999-r1*l {alsa debug lv2 osc standalone}
Installed versions: 0.9.14(03:45:00 AM 07/20/2020)(alsa standalone -debug -lv2 -osc)
Description: Old-school all-digital 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer
[1] "audio-overlay" /var/db/repos/audio-overlay
This is what synthv1 itself says on the PC ("synthv1_jack -v"
Qt: 5.15.0
synthv1: 0.9.14
This is, what the package manager (synaptic) says on my Raspberry Pi 4b
synthv1 0.8.6-1
synthv1_common 0.8.6-1
This is what synthv1 itself says on my Raspberry PI ("synthv1_jack -v")
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Qt: 5.11.3
synthv1: 0.8.6
Anything suspicious there ?