but one thing I might say: all kinds of windows VST bridges are doomed to fail now and then or whenever a single bit flips out in the Wine intertwinings... Add that the AppImage format is not really suited for that kind of mambo-jambohocus-pocus tricks that wine does with linux system libraries, which most probably will clash and conflict with the ones that are bundled in the AppImage (fyi. they're all from a ubuntu 16.04 lts baseline).
it might be way more likely, that a normal regular qtractor binary built to the same system libraries as airwave and wine, may lead to better results.
but not an AppImage, unless a total software binding alignment miracle occurs :)
I really never used or tested airwave, sorry
but one thing I might say: all kinds of windows VST bridges are doomed to fail now and then or whenever a single bit flips out in the Wine intertwinings... Add that the AppImage format is not really suited for that kind of mambo-jambo hocus-pocus tricks that wine does with linux system libraries, which most probably will clash and conflict with the ones that are bundled in the AppImage (fyi. they're all from a ubuntu 16.04 lts baseline).
it might be way more likely, that a normal regular qtractor binary built to the same system libraries as airwave and wine, may lead to better results.
but not an AppImage, unless a total software binding alignment miracle occurs :)