I just tried out AVLdrums on one of the tracks, and I'm not hearing a huge difference between the MIDI and exported track. So, I don't have enough to report on right now. It might be Carla to Wine, as you've suggested; I will upgrade that and continue to do comparisons. I also plan to clear out my QjackCtl settings to start fresh. I will write again with more details as I get them. I appreciate your time.
I just tried out AVLdrums on one of the tracks, and I'm not hearing a huge difference between the MIDI and exported track. So, I don't have enough to report on right now. It might be Carla to Wine, as you've suggested; I will upgrade that and continue to do comparisons. I also plan to clear out my QjackCtl settings to start fresh. I will write again with more details as I get them. I appreciate your time.